Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Because he Lives

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Because he Lives
Orig Key: F | New Key:

Title: Because He Lives

Key: F

time: 4/4

Verse 1

D/A      A7    D                      D7/F# G
God sent His   Son        they called Him   Jesus
           D    A7/E D/F# G   D/A A#7   Em7/B A7
He came to love   heal and for - give 
F#m/A   A7   D           D/F# A/E   D7  G
He bled and  died        to   buy   my  pardon
         Gm6 D/A               A7              D
An emp - ty  grave is there to prove my Savior lives



D/A   D/F#    A/E  D                       D7/F# G
Be -  cause   He   lives        I can face to -  morrow
           D        A7/E D/F# Bm7     Em7         A
Because He lives          all fear is gone        
A/G  D/F#  A D    A7/E D/F# D D7sus D7  G
Be - cause I know   He holds the future
         Gm6 D/A  D/C B7     E7        A7       D
And life is worth the living just be - cause He lives

Verse 2

D/A       A7  D                     D7/F#  G
How sweet to  hold        our new - born   baby
             D     A7/E D/F# G  D/A A#7 Em7/B A7
And feel the pride   and joy he gives 
F#m/A        A7   D            D/F#  A/E    D7   G
But great -  er   still        the   calm   as - surance
           Gm6  D/A            A7                  D
This child can  face uncertain days because Christ lives

Verse 3

D/A      A7    D                     D7/F#  G
And then one   day        I’ll cross that   river
                  D  A7/E D/F# G  D/A A#7  Em7/B A7
I’ll fight life’s fi  -  nal war with pain 
F#m/A    A7  D            D/F#    A/E   D7   G
And then as  death        gives   way   to   vict’ry
         Gm6  D/A             A7               D
I’ll see the  lights of glory and I’ll know He reigns